Human Osteology
Osteological Services UK offers professional, tailored services to meet your specific project requirements and budgets. We have extensive experience in excavating and analysing archaeological human remains and we have been involved with some exciting and nationally significant osteological projects.
We are committed to working to the highest professional, academic, commercial and ethical standards, and operate under all recommended guidelines on the excavation and post-excavation treatment of human remains.
Contact us if there is anything we can help you with!
Osteological services we can provide:
Identification of human remains (skeletal, mummified, cremated)
Lab-based work, cleaning, micro-urn excavations
Specialist osteological assessments and analyses
Sampling (stable isotopes, radiocarbon, aDNA) and digital photography
Written reports and publications
Exhumation, reburial, repatriation
Assist museums in identifying and/or re-analysing collections or helping with exhibitions/displays